Agricultural work in the External Sites of the Main Factories and Technical Services
 | 2/7/2007 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:و ك م / ع ص 3628 – 2007 /2008 |
Providing specialized workers for animal production management
 | 3/8/2002 |
Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources |
Tender No:ه ز – م م – 13 – 2001 / 2002 |
Agricultural work for Kuwait Municipality's Installations and Facilities
 | 2005-2006 |
Kuwait Municipality |
Tender No:ب ك / أ أ / 4 – 2005 / 2006 |
Providing specialized workers for animal production management
 | 16/5/2006 |
Public Authority of Agriculture Affairs |
Tender No:ه ز / م س / 6 / 2005 - 2006 |
Agricultural work in the Technical Services Administration's External Sites
 | 2/8/2007 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:و ك م / ع ص / 3628 – 2007 / 2008 |
Laundry Service - Governmental
 | 30/1/2006 |
Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:1242905 |
Laundry Service - Governmental
 | 10/8/2002 |
Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:6712900 |
Laundry Service - Governmental
 | 18/3/2006 |
Ministry of Education |
Tender No:عقد غسيل وكي ملابس طلاب وطالبات الثكنات الداخلية |
Security Services for Kuwait Municipality's Buildings and Branches
 | 28/10/2006 |
Kuwait Municipality |
Tender No:16 /2005-2006 |
Security Services for Schools and Buildings of the Capital Educational Area
 | 22/10/2007 |
Ministry of Education |
Tender No:198 |
Security Services for the Ministry of Information Sites
 | 17/9/2005 |
Ministry of Information |
Tender No:و أ /ش م / 17564 |
Security Services for the Public Authority for Industry
 | 15/5/2005 |
Public Authority for Industry |
Tender No:16 /2005 |
Security Services for the Company's offices and Branches
 | 15/10/2003 |
Kuwait Oil Tanker Company |
Tender No:Adm-33 |
Security Services for the Administrative, Information System and Housing Buildings
 | 4/9/2004 |
Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:242582041 |
Security and Reception Services for the Administration and its Subsidiary Buildings
 | 2/8/2004 |
Directorate General of Civil Aviation |
Tender No:22 /2004-2005 |
Security Services for the Administrative and Housing Buildings and the Information System Center
 | 4/9/2002 |
Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبانى ادارة الاسكان ومركز نظم المعلومات |
Security and Reception Services
 | 24/4/2006 |
Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development |
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه والاستقبال لمبانى الصندوق الكويتي للتنمية |
for the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development
 | |
NA |
Tender No:NA |
Security Services for the Police Officers Club Building
 | 21/2/2005 |
Ministry of Interior - Kuwait Police Officers Club |
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبنى شرطه |
Security Services for the Central Market
 | 13/7/2005 |
Ministry of Interior - Police Cooperative Society |
Tender No:عقد الامن والحراسه للسوق المركزي |
Security Services for the Housing Administration and its New Subsidiary Buildings
 | 23/9/2009 |
Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:عقد خدمات الامن والحراسه لمبانى الاسكان الجديده |
Security Services for the Administration's Spring Camp
 | 17/12/2009 |
Local Supply Department-Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:2414731090 |
Providing Security Services for the Buildings subsidiary to the Ministry of Defense
 | 12/12/2009 |
Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:2414731090 |
Security Services for the Jahraa and Farwaniya Health Districts
 | 5/8/2008 |
Ministry of Health |
Tender No:ص / م أ م / 160 / 2007 / 2008 – 21 |
Contract for Providing 6 Security Officers for the American Cultural Center
 | 13/1/2012 |
National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters |
Tender No:عقد توفير عدد 6 أفراد امن للمركز الامريكى الثقافي |
Providing Security Services for the Ministry of Public Works Buildings and Facilities
 | 28/10/2007 |
Ministry of Public Works |
Tender No:إ م م / 1 / 3 / 2009 - 2010 |
Security Services for Public Buildings located in the Jaber Al-Ahmad Housing City
 | 8/8/2010 |
Public Authority for Housing Welfare |
Tender No:م ع ر س / ع/ 1136 /2009- 2010 |
Security Supervisors for the Faculties and Institues of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training
 | 25/12/2011 |
Public Authority for Applied Education and Training |
Tender No:203 / 2009 - 2010 |
Janitorial services and public services at the headquarters of the Authority and its affiliates
 | 16/4/2006 |
Public Authority for Youth and Sport |
Tender No:1 / 2006 / 2007 |
Janitorial services at the Army Officers Club/Bneid Al-Gar
 | 1/12/2005 |
Military Engineering Projects - Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:6642904 |
Janitorial service at the Emiri Guard Detachments
 | 6/7/2005 |
Military Engineering Projects - Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:7502904 |
Janitorial services at the main transfer stations/Southern Region
 | 12/11/2005 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وط/ك م/ع ص/3293/2005/2006 |
Messaging services and internal transport for the Ministry and its departments
 | 25/3/2009 |
Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs |
Tender No:2/2008/2009 |
Janitorial and waste disposal services for the secondary transfer stations in all regions of Kuwait
 | 25/9/2004 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وط/ك م/ع ص/3120/2004/2005 |
Janitorial, Handling, Agricultural and Waste disposal from the main workshops Services/Subhan
 | 25/6/2004 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/3088/ 2004/2005 |
Cleaning, portering and waste disposal services
 | 11/10/2006 |
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation |
Tender No:99540 |
Janitorial, internal transport, internal communications and waste disposal services in all the ministry sectors
 | 2/6/2007 |
Ministry of Planning |
Tender No:21/2007/2008 |
Janitorial and waste disposal services at the main transfer stations/Northern region
 | 2/6/2007 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ ع ص/2621/2007/2008 |
Janitorial, waste disposal and agricultural services in the external sites/Technical services
 | 15/11/2003 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/2956/2003/2004 |
Janitorial & cafeteria services
 | 8/4/2004 |
Kuwait Oil Tanker Company |
Tender No:ADM-34/A |
Hiring messengers to work in the Ministry's Subsidiary Sectors
 | 20/7/2004 |
Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs |
Tender No:26 |
Janitorial Services at the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation Offices
 | 29/7/2003 |
Kuwait Petroleum Corporation |
Tender No:م ب ك/خ/11/2002 |
Janitorial services at the main transfer stations/Northern region
 | 12/4/2003 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/ 2760/2002/2003 |
Janitorial services at the secondary transfer stations in all Kuwait regions
 | 25/9/2004 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ع ص/3120/2004/2005 |
Janitorial and handling services for the external sites for main workshops sector/Technical Services
 | 21/12/2007 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:3669/2007/2008 |
Janitorial services in the facilities of the consumer affairs sector
 | 16/5/2010 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م / ع ص 4125 /2010-2011 |
Providing specialized labor for the Administrative work in the Ministry and its affiliated sectors
 | 25/3/2009 |
Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs |
Tender No:72 |
Janitorial services for the Amiri Guard Brigade
 | 14/9/2009 |
Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:5672909 |
Janitorial services for buildings, offices and houses of the state employees housing management
 | 15/7/2009 |
Ministry of Finance |
Tender No:24538 |
Janitorial services for the Amiri Guard Brigade
 | 21/10/2009 |
Ministry of Defense |
Tender No:1222907 |
Internal messenger services
 | 1/7/2010 |
Central Committee to Supervise the Implementation of Projects of Environmental Remediation |
Tender No:4/2010-2011 |
Janitorial services of mosques and buildings in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governate
 | 16/2/2011 |
Ministry of Awqaf & Islamic Affairs |
Tender No:62 |
Janitorial services for the Public Authority for Civil Information Headquarters
 | 7/6/2010 |
Public Authority for Civil Information |
Tender No:827 |
Janitorial services for the monitoring and control centers (Jabriyah - Kuwait City - Sheaba - Jahra)
 | 17/6/2010 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م/ع ص /4132/2010-2011 |
Janitorial services for the main transfer stations/Southern Region
 | 4/5/2009 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م /ع ص 3934/2008-2009 |
Janitorial services for the secondary transfer stations/All Kuwait regions
 | 23/5/2010 |
Ministry of Electricity & Water |
Tender No:وك م /ع ص 3934/2008-2009 |